s-sign • Digital delivery note

Sustainable and resource-saving with s-sign digital delivery bill

Make processes more efficient, reduce manual tasks and enable mobile working – that’s what you can achieve with s-sign. First and foremost, we are implementing an Industry 4.0 project of the future with s-sign digital delivery bill.

  • paperless delivery note
  • Digital signature in the factory for collectors
  • Digital signature on mobile device
  • Delivery note customer portal
  • Delivery note with QR according to AKIM standard
  • Collective delivery notes
  • Thermal printers, receipt printers
  • Automatic data transfer
  • photo documentation
  • less paper
  • Complete documentation
  • Perfect readability
  • Digital signature
  • Nothing is left lying around
  • Faster invoicing
  • Processes are accelerated
  • Improved information flow
  • Digital Archive (PDF)
  • Proof of warranty
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